• Go Easy -  Pain Oil
  • Go Easy -  Pain Oil
  • Go Easy -  Pain Oil
  • Go Easy -  Pain Oil
  • Go Easy -  Pain Oil

Go Easy - Pain Oil

Prizyor Life Sciences™ Go Easy is powerful formulation to fight against pain in arthritis and make the life................... Go Easy

Rs. 126/-


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Major ingradiants of Go Easy - pain oil are as under:-
Datura Stramonium
The plant is acrid, narcotic, anodyne, antispasmodic, intoxicant, and emetic. It is useful in asthma, cough, fever, inflammations, edema, neuralgia, insanity, myalgia, hyperacidity, duodenal ulcer, renal colic, calculi, and dysmenorrhea. Roots are used for bites of rabid dogs. Leaf is useful in inflammations and piles. Leaf juice is applied externally for lice and in skin diseases. Leaves in the form of poultice are used in lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, mumps, and painful swellings. Seeds are aphrodisiac and used in toothache, earache, gastric disorders and are good to treat dandruff and lice.
Ricinus Communis
Castor seeds and seed oil is used from ancient times to cure disorders like rheumatism, worm infestation, severe constipation, and abdominal disorders.
External application of this oil is used to relieve boils, furuncles, and various skin related disorders.
It is used to cure vata dosha related disorders like arthritis and facial paralysis.
This herb act as a diuretic and very effective in dysuria, urine retention and other urinary tract related infections in both males and females.
Castor oil is locally massaged over breast in lactating mothers to increase the flow of milk.
Daily massage of oil from seeds of this herb help in reducing dandruff and promoting hair growth.
The Root bark of this herb is emetic and purgative. A Decoction of leaves is very beneficial for the sufferers of lumbago and sciatica.
Vitex Negundo
Vitex negundo relieves muscle aches and joint pains. The Ayurvedic and Unani Pharmacopoeia of India has documented the use of the leaf, seed and the root to treat excessive vaginal discharge, edema, skin diseases, pruritus, helminthiasis, rheumatism and puerperal fever.
Colotropis  Procera 
Traditionally, the powdered rot is used to treat bronchitis, asthma, leprosy, eczema, elephantiasis while the latex s used to, treat vertigo, baldness, hair loss, toothache, intermittent fevers, rheumatoid/joint swellings, and paralysis, The leaves are usedto treat joint pain, and reduce swelling.
Strychnos Nux Vomica
Although nux vomica is extremely poisonous, still it considered to be useful for treating many diseases such as paralytic and neuralgic affections, dyspepsia, itching, urinary disorders, joint pain, dysentery, emotional disorders, epilepsy, rheumatism and insomnia.
Aconitum Ferox
The most common aconite-based medicinal plant Vatsanabha (A. ferox Wall.) is used in Ayurveda as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-rheumatic, appetizer and digestive.
Sesamum Indicum
Sesame oil has the following properties, which help to make it a beneficial oil for your skin:
Antioxidant. This means it has the ability to fight damage by free radicals, or unstable molecules that can harm the cellular structure of your skin.
Antimicrobial. This means it can kill harmful microorganisms or stop their growth.
Anti-inflammatory. This means it can reduce inflammation and swelling.