• Detoxer
  • Detoxer
  • Detoxer
  • Detoxer


Our life exists on what we take as input through, all of our sense organs. Taking of inputs starts right from the MOTHERS womb “ baby survives on the food provided by mother's body, and later on after taking birth it start coordinating with the environment for the survival and growth

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Our life exists on what we take as input through, all of our sense organs. Taking of inputs starts right from the MOTHER’S womb – baby survives on the food  provided by mother’s body and later on after taking birth it start coordinating with the environment for the survival and growth.
We have five basic senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The sensing organs associated with each sense send the information to the brain to help us, understand and perceive the world around us.
Most of our health issues are associated with malinformations given to these sense organs; the very moment our sense organs get misinformed (i.e. encountered with adulteration) it starts an imbalance in the functioning of our brain, that’s the beginning of health problems.
Globally all living organisms are affected with various kinds of toxicities – toxicity of vision (media, lights), hearing (increasing sound decibels), smells (toxicity in air), touch (skin), eating & drinking (toxicity in food & water).
One can easily understand the gravity of all these toxicities on our life just by comparing today’s human race with the humans existing just 100 years ago....need not to go   further back in the time line.
But as an individual we have limitations to controls the factors of these toxicities. 
Never mind, fortunately we have “ DETOXERTM” that helps us  fight back  against continuous attacks of toxicity around us – ( excessive use of pesticide, overdoes of inorganic manure – ultimately pass on to our foods ; increasing level of toxicity in drinking water, excessive air pollution; all these factors affect our vital organs i.e. LIVERKIDNEYPROSTATELUNGS.
With the help of “DETOXERTM” we can FLUSH OUT or FIZZLE OUT most of the toxins from our body to LIVE A BETTER LIFE......................  
DETOXERTM   is developed with 10 most vital herbs with utmost procedure and precision as per the guidelines depict in Ayurveda. 
DETOXERTM  ingradiants are :-
1. PUNARNAVA (Boerhavia diffusa) OR Hogweed
 Punarnava helps maintain efficient kidney and urinary functions with its diuretic, laxative, stomachic, diaphoretic, anthelminthic antispasmodic
and anti-inflammatory action. According to Ayurveda, Punarnava is bitter, cooling, astringent to bowels,
useful in biliousness, blood impurities, leucorrhoea, anaemia, inflammations, heart diseases, asthma, alternatives etc. The leaves are useful in dyspepsia, tumours, spleen enlargement and abdominal pains.
Punarnava is primarily used for kidney and Similar to its name it rejuvenates the whole body
i.e. with routine use of Punarnava a fellow become young again – full of vigor and vitality. Punarnava corrects the digestive system, alleviates fluid retention and very useful in managing heart diseases. Punarnava also benefits in anemia,hernia and respiratory distress. Punarnava can also be taken in liver problems and managing lipids and cholesterol in healthy limits.

2. Mulethi/Yastimadhu/Licorice/Liquorice/Glycyrrhiza Glabra
1. Respiratory & Digestive Disorders
Yashtimadhu has been conventionally used by Ayurveda in the treatment of respiratory and digestive disorders. It is considered to be a "Rasayana". Mulethi uses specifically include treatment of chronic acidity, ulcers and chronic bronchial conditions. Investigations observed that licorice activates ulcer healing. Know more on how to improve digestion.
2. Reduces Stress & Depression
Mulethi benefits include relieving people suffering from the problem of depression. Including licorice root in your daily diet, helps in controlling stress hormones, reducing depression, anxiety and stress.
3. Controls Cholesterol
Licorice root is considered to be an extremely effective remedy for lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increasing the level of healthy cholesterol in the body. Thus helping in keeping you healthy and free from harmful diseases. Controlling cholesterol is one of the effective mulethi benefits.
4. Boosts Immunity
Mulethi benefits include boosting your immunity system, which helps in giving your body the strength to fight many diseases and illnesses. This helps your body from being affected by harmful diseases.
5. Keeps your Liver Healthy
Licorice root is considered to be an effective option for keeping your liver, healthy and
 free from diseases. This helps in protecting your body from being damaged by free radicals and also helps in treating jaundice thus keeping your liver healthy.
6. Treats Skin Disorders
Licorice root is extremely beneficial for your skin, as it helps in protecting your skin from various skin disorders such as rashes, eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. Thus, helping in keeping your skin healthy.
7. Weight Management
Licorice root is considered to be an extremely effective remedy or weight loss, including licorice root in your diet, along with rigors exercise routine will help in burning excess fat from your body.
8. Treats Sore Throat & Cough
Licorice root is an excellent remedy for curing problems such as sore throat and cough. They also help in treating respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and asthma, put some licorice root in a cup of boiling water after 10 minutes. Straining the water and drink it to get relief from these problems.
3. Nirgundi  (Vitex negundo Linn. (Chaste tree))
The root is considered tonic, febrifuge and expectorant, nostalgia, arthritis, dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, leprosy, verminosis, flatulence, dysentery, urinary disorders, wounds, ulcers, bronchitis, cough, malarial fever, haemorrhoids, dysmenorrhoea, leprosy, skin diseases and general debility. The plant is reported to have expectorant, carminative, digestive, anodyne, antiseptic, alterant, antipyretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, depurative, rejuvenating, ophthalmic, vulnerary and tonic.
Roots, Bark, Leaves and fruits are highly medicinal. Used in colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, flatulence, fever, vomiting and colic. Tender fruits are bitter astringent, antilaxatives, digestion, promote digestion and strength, as well as overcome diarrhea and dysentery.
4. CHIRAYTA (Swertia chirata)
Swertia chirayita (Gentianaceae), a popular medicinal herb indigenous to the temperate Himalayas is used in traditional medicine to treat numerous ailments such as liver disorders, malaria, and diabetes
The whole plant is widely used by local people for the treatment of hepatitis, inflammation, and digestive diseases. The wide range of medicinal uses include the treatment of chronic fever, malaria, anemia, bronchial asthma, hepatotoxic disorders, liver disorders, hepatitis, gastritis, constipation, dyspepsia, skin diseases, worms, epilepsy, ulcers, scanty urine, hypertension, melancholia, and certain types of mental disorders, secretion of bile, blood purification, and diabetes Recently, S. chirayita extracts showed anti-hepatitis B virus (anti-HBV) activities 
Swertia chirata is a bitter tonic, carminative, laxative, anti-pyretic, febrifuge, anti-periodic, anti-inflammatory, stomachic, and anti-helmintic. 
It is used in treating piles, skin diseases, ulcers, and diabetes.
5. Gokhuru
Gokhru has been used in kidney and urinary problems, and also as a sexual libido enhancer. It is also considered an aphrodisiac and libido-enhancer. It was used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to treat asthma, cough, edema and kidney problems and to help reduce the pain while passing urine. Researchers have found this herb to possess hypotensive, aphrodisiac, anti-microbial, anti-cancer and diuretic properties. kidney and urinary problems, and also as a sexual libido enhancer. It is also considered an aphrodisiac and libido-enhancer. It was used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to treat asthma, cough, edema and kidney problems and to help reduce the pain while passing urine. Researchers have found this herb to possess hypotensive, aphrodisiac, anti-microbial, anti-cancer and diuretic properties.
Terminalia is a tree. Three species of terminalia are used for medicine. These species are Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia bellerica, and Terminalia chebula.
In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Terminalia arjuna has been used to balance the three “humors”: kapha, pitta, and vata. It has also been used for asthma, bile duct disorders, scorpion stings, and poisonings.
The bark of Terminalia arjuna has been used in India for more than 3000 years, primarily as a heart remedy. An Indian physician named Vagbhata has been credited as the first to use this product for heart conditions in the seventh century A.D. 
people today use Terminalia arjuna for disorders of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), including heart disease and related chest pain, heart failure, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It is also used as “a water pill,” and for earaches, dysentery, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), diseases of the urinary tract, and to increase sexual desire.
Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula are both used for high cholesterol and digestive disorders, including both diarrhea and constipation, and indigestion. They have also been used for HIV infection.
Terminalia bellerica is used to protect the liver and to treat respiratory conditions, including respiratory tract infections, cough, and sore throat.
Terminalia chebula is used for dysentery.
Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula are used as a lotion for sore eyes.
Terminalia chebula is also used topically as a mouthwash and gargle.
Intravaginally, Terminalia chebula is used as a douche for treating vaginal infections.
In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Terminalia bellerica has been used as a "health-harmonizer" in combination with Terminalia chebula and Emblica officinalis. This combination is also used to lower cholesterol and to prevent death of heart tissue.
6. Bhumi Amla
Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus Niruri) is a tropical weed which grows extensively in the coastal areas. Since it grows to only about 50 cm, is similar to amla in appearance and lies close to the ground, it is known as  ‘Bhumi Amla’ . 
Health Benefits of Bhumi Amla
There are a number of benefits attached to the usage of Bhumi amla. Some of the best ones are described below:
Acts as a Blood Purifier.
Bhumi amla removes toxins from the body and purifies the blood. It has a carminative action on the body.
Treats Jaundice
The fresh root of Bhumi amla is very effective in treating jaundice. You can make a paste by grinding the root of this herb and mixing it with milk or any juice to cure jaundice.
Curative Properties
Bhumi amla can treat skin infections and swelling. It has poison neutralising properties. The combination of Bhumi amla powder and rice water can be used to treat leukorrhea.
Treats Respiratory Ailments
Bhumi amla can be an effective treatment for asthma. You can relieve symptoms of coughs and hiccups by using bhumi amla along with sugar syrup as nasal drops.
Enhances Healing
The juice of the herb as well as its powder can be used to quickly heal wounds and fractured bones.
Pain Reliever
The mixture of crushed Bhumi amla and rock salt can be applied to eyelids to get relief from eye pain.
This mixture can also be used to treat abscesses.
Treats Fever
Chronic and recurrent fever can be effectively treated with Bhumi amla.
Helps in Diabetes Management
Bhumi amla powder along with black pepper can help to keep blood sugar levels under control and fight diabetes.
Helps in Treatment of Stones
Gallbladder stones, as well as renal stones, can be effectively treated by the curative action of Bhumi amla.
Controls High Blood Pressure
Bhumi amla regulates the fluctuations in blood pressure and controls high blood pressure.
Cataract Treatment
Bhumi amla is an effective treatment in the early stages of cataract. You can use this herb with clarified butter and sesame oil. Consuming this mixture with triphala churna after dinner can help treat cataract.
Facial Palsy and Paralysis
Disorders such as facial palsy, paralysis, tinnitus, paraplegia, etc., can be treated with ayurvedic preparations which include Bhumi amla.
Fights HIV
The Bhumi amla herb inhibits the proliferation of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Cures Viral Diseases
Antiviral properties of Bhumi amla are effective in treating Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.
Helps in Digestive Disorders
Bhumi amla stimulates digestion and treats chronic dysentery.
Treats Menstrual Disorders
The herbal formulation of Bhumi amla is said to treat menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding.
Treats Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea caused by bacteria can be treated with the herbal formulation of Bhumi amla.
Bhumi Amla serves as an antiviral herb which helps to remove and offer protection against different viruses.
It gives a natural protection and treatment against cancerous diseases. Bhumi Amla possesses chemical compounds that heal the diseases pro-actively.
It consists of anti inflammatory properties which is very useful in curing viral fever and helps to ease away pain during menstrual cycle. Besides this, it also cures inflammation of the liver.
This property helps it defend the body from a number of bacteria which in turn, strengthens the immune system.
Primary ingredients like amla relaxes your gastro intestinal system, thereby giving relief to your stomach and suppressing flatulence.
It is very useful in calming down your nerves during high blood pressure. It streamlines the flow of blood and normalises the pumping of blood from your heart.
7. Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
As per ARKA AAYURVEDA Current research on Picrorhiza kurroa has focused on its hepatoprotective, anticholestatic, antioxidant, and immune-modulating activity. Kutki has hepato-protective properties and thus supports the liver and spleen. It is used in all forms of liver damage, cirrhosis and inflammation of the liver. It protects the liver against damage from the hepatitis C virus.it is use to cure fractures
Picrorhiza is used for yellowed skin (jaundice), sudden liver infections caused by a virus (acute viral hepatitis), fever, allergy, and asthma. It is also used to treat skin conditions including eczema and vitiligo, a disorder that causes white patches on the skin. Some people use picrorhiza for digestion problems including indigestion, constipation, and ongoing diarrhea. Other uses include treatment of infection, scorpion stings, epilepsy, malaria, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Triphala contains a number of antioxidants that perform protective functions in the body.
It contains vitamin C, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins and saponins, along with other potent plant compounds.
These compounds help fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which are molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic disease.
Diets high in antioxidants have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes and premature aging.
9. Honey
Honey Contains Some Nutrients.
High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants.
Honey Is "Less Bad" Than Sugar for Diabetics.
The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure.
Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol.
Honey Can Lower Triglycerides.
The Antioxidants in It Are Linked to Other Beneficial Effects on Heart Health.